* Items namespace.
* This namespace handles querying and updating openHAB Items.
* @namespace items
const osgi = require('../osgi');
const utils = require('../utils');
const log = require('../log')('items');
const { _toOpenhabPrimitiveType, _isQuantity, _isItem } = require('../helpers');
const { getQuantity, QuantityError } = require('../quantity');
const { OnOffType, PercentType, UnDefType, events, itemRegistry } = require('@runtime');
const metadata = require('./metadata/metadata');
const ItemPersistence = require('./item-persistence');
const ItemSemantics = require('./item-semantics');
const TimeSeries = require('./time-series');
const itemBuilderFactory = osgi.getService('org.openhab.core.items.ItemBuilderFactory');
// typedefs need to be global for TypeScript to fully work
* @typedef {object} ItemConfig configuration describing an Item
* @property {string} type the type of the Item
* @property {string} name Item name for the Item to create
* @property {string} [label] the label for the Item
* @property {string} [category] the category (icon) for the Item
* @property {string[]} [groups] an array of groups the Item is a member of
* @property {string[]} [tags] an array of tags for the Item
* @property {string|Object} [channels] for single channel link a string or for multiple an object { channeluid: configuration }; configuration is an object
* @property {*} [metadata] either object `{ namespace: value }` or `{ namespace: `{@link ItemMetadata}` }`
* @property {string} [giBaseType] the group Item base type for the Item
* @property {HostGroupFunction} [groupFunction] the group function used by the Item
* @typedef {import('../items/metadata/metadata').ItemMetadata} ItemMetadata
* @private
* @typedef {import('@js-joda/core').ZonedDateTime} time.ZonedDateTime
* @private
* @typedef {import('../quantity').Quantity} Quantity
* @private
* Tag value to be attached to all dynamically created Items.
* @memberof items
* Class representing an openHAB Item
* @memberof items
class Item {
* Create an Item, wrapping a native Java openHAB Item. Don't use this constructor, instead call {@link getItem}.
* @param {HostItem} rawItem Java Item from Host
* @hideconstructor
constructor (rawItem) {
if (typeof rawItem === 'undefined') {
throw Error('Supplied Item is undefined');
* raw Java Item
* @type {HostItem}
this.rawItem = rawItem;
* Access historical states for this Item {@link items.ItemPersistence}
* @type {ItemPersistence}
this.persistence = new ItemPersistence(rawItem);
* Access Semantic information of this Item {@link items.ItemSemantics}
* @type {ItemSemantics}
this.semantics = new ItemSemantics(rawItem, getItem);
* Type of Item: the Simple (without package) name of the Java Item type, such as 'Switch'.
* @type {string}
get type () {
return this.rawItem.getType().toString();
* Name of Item
* @type {string}
get name () {
return this.rawItem.getName();
* Label attached to Item
* @type {string}
get label () {
return this.rawItem.getLabel();
* String representation of the Item state.
* @type {string}
get state () {
return this.rawState.toString();
* Numeric representation of Item state, or `null` if state is not numeric
* @type {number|null}
get numericState () {
let state = this.rawState.toString();
if (this.type === 'Color') state = this.rawItem.getStateAs(PercentType).toString();
const numericState = parseFloat(state);
return isNaN(numericState) ? null : numericState;
* Item state as {@link Quantity} or `null` if state is not Quantity-compatible or Quantity would be unit-less (without unit)
* @type {Quantity|null}
get quantityState () {
try {
const qty = getQuantity(this.rawState.toString());
return (qty !== null && qty.symbol !== null) ? qty : null;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof QuantityError) {
return null;
} else {
throw Error('Failed to create "quantityState": ' + e);
* Raw state of Item, as a Java {@link https://www.openhab.org/javadoc/latest/org/openhab/core/types/state State object}
* @type {HostState}
get rawState () {
return this.rawItem.getState();
* Members / children / direct descendents of the current group Item (as returned by 'getMembers()'). Must be a group Item.
* @type {Item[]}
get members () {
return utils.javaSetToJsArray(this.rawItem.getMembers()).map(raw => new Item(raw));
* All descendents of the current group Item (as returned by 'getAllMembers()'). Must be a group Item.
* @type {Item[]}
get descendents () {
return utils.javaSetToJsArray(this.rawItem.getAllMembers()).map(raw => new Item(raw));
* Whether this Item is uninitialized (`true if it has not been initialized`).
* @type {boolean}
get isUninitialized () {
if (this.rawItem.getState() instanceof UnDefType ||
this.rawItem.getState().toString() === 'Undefined' ||
this.rawItem.getState().toString() === 'Uninitialized'
) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Gets metadata of a single namespace or of all namespaces from this Item.
* @example
* // Get metadata of ALL namespaces
* var meta = Item.getMetadata();
* var namespaces = Object.keys(meta); // Get metadata namespaces
* // Get metadata of a single namespace
* meta = Item.getMetadata('expire');
* @see items.metadata.getMetadata
* @param {string} [namespace] name of the metadata: if provided, only metadata of this namespace is returned, else all metadata is returned
* @returns {{ namespace: ItemMetadata }|ItemMetadata|null} all metadata as an object with the namespaces as properties OR metadata of a single namespace or `null` if that namespace doesn't exist; the metadata itself is of type {@link items.metadata.ItemMetadata}
getMetadata (namespace) {
return metadata.getMetadata(this.name, namespace);
* Updates or adds metadata of a single namespace to this Item.
* @see items.metadata.replaceMetadata
* @param {string} namespace name of the metadata
* @param {string} value value for this metadata
* @param {object} [configuration] optional metadata configuration
* @returns {{configuration: *, value: string}|null} old {@link items.metadata.ItemMetadata} or `null` if the Item has no metadata with the given name
replaceMetadata (namespace, value, configuration) {
return metadata.replaceMetadata(this.name, namespace, value, configuration);
* Removes metadata of a single namespace or of all namespaces from a given Item.
* @see items.metadata.removeMetadata
* @param {string} [namespace] name of the metadata: if provided, only metadata of this namespace is removed, else all metadata is removed
* @returns {ItemMetadata|null} removed {@link items.metadata.ItemMetadata} OR `null` if the Item has no metadata under the given namespace or all metadata was removed
removeMetadata (namespace) {
return metadata.removeMetadata(this.name, namespace);
* Sends a command to the Item.
* @param {string|number|time.ZonedDateTime|Quantity|HostState} value the value of the command to send, such as 'ON'
* @see sendCommandIfDifferent
* @see postUpdate
sendCommand (value) {
events.sendCommand(this.rawItem, _toOpenhabPrimitiveType(value));
* Sends a command to the Item, but only if the current state is not what is being sent.
* @param {string|number|time.ZonedDateTime|Quantity|HostState} value the value of the command to send, such as 'ON'
* @returns {boolean} true if the command was sent, false otherwise
* @see sendCommand
sendCommandIfDifferent (value) {
// value and current state both are Quantity and have equal value
if (_isQuantity(value) && this.quantityState !== null) {
if (value.equal(this.quantityState)) {
return false;
// value and current state are both numeric and have equal value
if (typeof value === 'number' && this.numericState !== null) {
if (value === this.numericState) {
return false;
// stringified value and string state are equal
value = _toOpenhabPrimitiveType(value);
if (value.toString() === this.state) {
return false;
// else send the command
return true;
* Increase the value of this Item to the given value by sending a command, but only if the current state is less than that value.
* @param {number|Quantity|HostState} value the value of the command to send, such as 'ON'
* @return {boolean} true if the command was sent, false otherwise
sendIncreaseCommand (value) {
// value and current state both are Quantity and value is less than or equal current state
if (_isQuantity(value) && this.quantityState !== null) {
if (value.lessThanOrEqual(this.quantityState)) {
log.debug('sendIncreaseCommand: Ignoring command {} for Item {} with state {}', value, this.name, this.state);
return false;
// value and current state are both numeric and value is less than or equal current state
if (typeof value === 'number' && this.numericState !== null) {
if (value <= this.numericState) {
log.debug('sendIncreaseCommand: Ignoring command {} for Item {} with state {}', value, this.name, this.state);
return false;
// else send the command
log.debug('sendIncreaseCommand: Sending command {} to Item {} with state {}', value, this.name, this.state);
return true;
* Decreases the value of this Item to the given value by sending a command, but only if the current state is greater than that value.
* @param {number|Quantity|HostState} value the value of the command to send, such as 'ON'
* @return {boolean} true if the command was sent, false otherwise
sendDecreaseCommand (value) {
// value and current state both are Quantity and value is greater than or equal current state
if (_isQuantity(value) && this.quantityState !== null) {
if (value.greaterThanOrEqual(this.quantityState)) {
log.debug('sendDecreaseCommand: Ignoring command {} for Item {} with state {}', value, this.name, this.state);
return false;
// value and current state are both numeric and value is greater than or equal current state
if (typeof value === 'number' && this.numericState !== null) {
if (value >= this.numericState) {
log.debug('sendDecreaseCommand: Ignoring command {} for Item {} with state {}', value, this.name, this.state);
return false;
// else send the command
log.debug('sendDecreaseCommand: Sending command {} to Item {} with state {}', value, this.name, this.state);
return true;
* Calculates the toggled state of this Item.
* For Items like Color and Dimmer, getStateAs(OnOffType) is used and the toggle calculated of that.
* @private
* @returns the toggled state (e.g. 'OFF' if the Item is 'ON')
* @throws error if the Item is uninitialized or is a type that doesn't make sense to toggle
#getToggleState () {
if (this.isUninitialized) {
throw Error('Cannot toggle uninitialized Items');
switch (this.type) {
case 'Player' :
return this.state === 'PAUSE' ? 'PLAY' : 'PAUSE';
case 'Contact' :
return this.state === 'OPEN' ? 'CLOSED' : 'OPEN';
default: {
const oldState = this.rawItem.getStateAs(OnOffType);
if (oldState) {
return oldState.toString() === 'ON' ? 'OFF' : 'ON';
} else {
throw Error('Toggle not supported for Items of type ' + this.type);
* Sends a command to flip the Item's state (e.g. if it is 'ON' an 'OFF' command is sent).
* @throws error if the Item is uninitialized or a type that cannot be toggled or commanded
sendToggleCommand () {
if (this.type === 'Contact') {
throw Error('Cannot command Contact Items');
* Posts an update to flip the Item's state (e.g. if it is 'ON' an 'OFF'
* update is posted).
* @throws error if the Item is uninitialized or a type that cannot be toggled
postToggleUpdate () {
* Posts an update to the Item.
* @param {string|number|time.ZonedDateTime|Quantity|HostState} value the value of the command to send, such as 'ON'
* @see postToggleUpdate
* @see sendCommand
postUpdate (value) {
events.postUpdate(this.rawItem, _toOpenhabPrimitiveType(value));
* Gets the names of the groups this Item is member of.
* @returns {string[]}
get groupNames () {
return utils.javaListToJsArray(this.rawItem.getGroupNames());
* Adds groups to this Item
* @param {...string|...Item} groupNamesOrItems one or more names of the groups (or the group Items themselves)
addGroups (...groupNamesOrItems) {
const groupNames = groupNamesOrItems.map((x) => (typeof x === 'string') ? x : x.name);
* Removes groups from this Item
* @param {...string|...Item} groupNamesOrItems one or more names of the groups (or the group Items themselves)
removeGroups (...groupNamesOrItems) {
const groupNames = groupNamesOrItems.map((x) => (typeof x === 'string') ? x : x.name);
for (const groupName of groupNames) {
* Gets the tags from this Item
* @type {string[]}
get tags () {
return utils.javaSetToJsArray(this.rawItem.getTags());
* Adds tags to this Item
* @param {...string} tagNames names of the tags to add
addTags (...tagNames) {
* Removes tags from this Item
* @param {...string} tagNames names of the tags to remove
removeTags (...tagNames) {
for (const tagName of tagNames) {
toString () {
return this.rawItem.toString();
* Creates a new Item object. This Item is not registered with any provider and therefore can not be accessed.
* Note that all Items created this way have an additional tag attached, for simpler retrieval later. This tag is
* created with the value {@link DYNAMIC_ITEM_TAG}.
* @private
* @param {ItemConfig} itemConfig the Item config describing the Item
* @returns {Item} {@link items.Item}
* @throws {Error} {@link ItemConfig}.name or {@link ItemConfig}.type not set
* @throws failed to create Item
function _createItem (itemConfig) {
if (typeof itemConfig.name !== 'string' || typeof itemConfig.type !== 'string') throw Error('itemConfig.name or itemConfig.type not set');
itemConfig.name = safeItemName(itemConfig.name);
let baseItem;
if (itemConfig.type === 'Group' && typeof itemConfig.giBaseType !== 'undefined') {
baseItem = itemBuilderFactory.newItemBuilder(itemConfig.giBaseType, itemConfig.name + '_baseItem').build();
if (itemConfig.type !== 'Group') {
itemConfig.groupFunction = undefined;
if (typeof itemConfig.tags === 'undefined') {
itemConfig.tags = [];
try {
let builder = itemBuilderFactory.newItemBuilder(itemConfig.type, itemConfig.name)
if (typeof itemConfig.groups !== 'undefined') {
builder = builder.withGroups(utils.jsArrayToJavaList(itemConfig.groups));
if (typeof baseItem !== 'undefined') {
builder = builder.withBaseItem(baseItem);
if (typeof itemConfig.groupFunction !== 'undefined') {
builder = builder.withGroupFunction(itemConfig.groupFunction);
const item = builder.build();
return new Item(item);
} catch (e) {
log.error('Failed to create Item: ' + e);
throw e;
* Creates a new Item within OpenHab. This Item will persist to the registry, and therefore is independent of the lifecycle of the script creating it.
* Note that all Items created this way have an additional tag attached, for simpler retrieval later. This tag is
* created with the value {@link DYNAMIC_ITEM_TAG}.
* @memberof items
* @param {ItemConfig} itemConfig the Item config describing the Item
* @returns {Item} {@link Items.Item}
* @throws {Error} if {@link ItemConfig}.name or {@link ItemConfig}.type is not set
* @throws {Error} if failed to create Item
function addItem (itemConfig) {
const item = _createItem(itemConfig);
if (typeof itemConfig.metadata === 'object') {
const namespace = Object.keys(itemConfig.metadata);
for (const i in namespace) {
const namespaceValue = itemConfig.metadata[namespace[i]];
log.debug('addItem: Processing metadata namespace {}', namespace[i]);
if (typeof namespaceValue === 'string') { // namespace as key and it's value as value
metadata.replaceMetadata(itemConfig.name, namespace[i], namespaceValue);
} else if (typeof namespaceValue === 'object') { // namespace as key and { value: 'string', configuration: object } as value
metadata.replaceMetadata(itemConfig.name, namespace[i], namespaceValue.value, namespaceValue.config);
if (itemConfig.type !== 'Group') {
if (typeof itemConfig.channels === 'string') { // single channel link with string
metadata.itemchannellink.replaceItemChannelLink(itemConfig.name, itemConfig.channels);
} else if (typeof itemConfig.channels === 'object') { // multiple/complex channel links with channel as key and config object as value
const channels = Object.keys(itemConfig.channels);
for (const i in channels) metadata.itemchannellink.replaceItemChannelLink(itemConfig.name, channels[i], itemConfig.channels[channels[i]]);
return getItem(itemConfig.name);
* Removes an Item from openHAB. The Item is removed immediately and cannot be recovered.
* @memberof items
* @param {string|Item} itemOrItemName the Item or the name of the Item to remove
* @returns {Item|null} the Item that has been removed or `null` if it has not been removed
function removeItem (itemOrItemName) {
let itemName;
if (typeof itemOrItemName === 'string') {
itemName = itemOrItemName;
} else if (_isItem(itemOrItemName)) {
itemName = itemOrItemName.name;
} else {
log.warn('Item name is undefined (no Item supplied or supplied name is not a string) so cannot be removed');
return false;
let item;
try { // If the Item is not registered, ItemNotFoundException is thrown.
item = getItem(itemName);
} catch (e) {
if (Java.typeName(e.getClass()) === 'org.openhab.core.items.ItemNotFoundException') {
log.error('Item {} not registered so cannot be removed: {}', itemName, e.message);
return null;
} else { // If exception/error is not ItemNotFoundException, rethrow.
throw Error(e);
try { // If the Item has been successfully removed, ItemNotFoundException is thrown.
log.warn('Failed to remove Item: {}', itemName);
return null;
} catch (e) {
if (Java.typeName(e.getClass()) === 'org.openhab.core.items.ItemNotFoundException') {
return item;
} else { // If exception/error is not ItemNotFoundException, rethrow.
throw Error(e);
* Replaces (or adds) an Item. If an Item exists with the same name, it will be removed and a new Item with
* the supplied parameters will be created in its place. If an Item does not exist with this name, a new
* Item will be created with the supplied parameters.
* This function can be useful in scripts which create a static set of Items which may need updating either
* periodically, during startup or even during development of the script. Using fixed Item names will ensure
* that the Items remain up-to-date, but won't fail with issues related to duplicate Items.
* @memberof items
* @param {ItemConfig} itemConfig the Item config describing the Item
* @returns {Item|null} the old Item or `null` if it did not exist
* @throws {Error} {@link ItemConfig}.name or {@link ItemConfig}.type not set
* @throws failed to create Item
function replaceItem (itemConfig) {
const item = getItem(itemConfig.name, true);
if (item !== null) { // Item already existed
return item;
* Whether an Item with the given name exists.
* @memberof items
* @param {string} name the name of the Item
* @returns {boolean} whether the Item exists
function existsItem (name) {
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* Gets an openHAB Item.
* @memberof items
* @param {string} name the name of the Item
* @param {boolean} [nullIfMissing=false] whether to return null if the Item cannot be found (default is to throw an {@link https://www.openhab.org/javadoc/latest/org/openhab/core/items/itemnotfoundexception ItemNotFoundException})
* @returns {Item} {@link items.Item} Item or `null` if `nullIfMissing` is true and Item is missing
function getItem (name, nullIfMissing = false) {
try {
return new Item(itemRegistry.getItem(name));
} catch (e) {
if (nullIfMissing) {
return null;
} else {
throw e;
* Gets all openHAB Items.
* @memberof items
* @returns {Item[]} {@link items.Item}[]: all Items
function getItems () {
return utils.javaSetToJsArray(itemRegistry.getItems()).map(i => new Item(i));
* Gets all openHAB Items with a specific tag.
* @memberof items
* @param {string[]} tagNames an array of tags to match against
* @returns {Item[]} {@link items.Item}[]: the Items with a tag that is included in the passed tags
function getItemsByTag (...tagNames) {
return utils.javaSetToJsArray(itemRegistry.getItemsByTag(tagNames)).map(i => new Item(i));
* Helper function to ensure an Item name is valid. All invalid characters are replaced with an underscore.
* @memberof items
* @param {string} s the name to make value
* @returns {string} a valid Item name
const safeItemName = (s) => s
.replace(/["']/g, '') // delete
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '_'); // replace with underscore
const itemProperties = {
* Gets an openHAB Item by name directly on the {@link items} namespace.
* Equivalent to {@link items.getItem}
* @example
* // retrieve item by name directly on the items namespace
* console.log(items.KitchenLight.state) // returns 'ON'
* // equivalent to
* console.log(items.getItem('KitchenLight').state) // returns 'ON'
* @name NAME
* @memberof items
* @function
* @returns {Item|null} {@link items.Item} Item or `null` if Item is missing
module.exports = new Proxy(itemProperties, {
get: function (target, prop) {
return target[prop] || target.getItem(prop, true);