
const items = require('../items/items');
const rules = require('./rules');
const triggers = require('./trigger-builder');
const conditions = require('./condition-builder');

 * Creates rules in a fluent style.
 * @param {boolean} toggleable if this builder is toggleable
class RuleBuilder {
  constructor (toggleable) {
    /** @private */
    this._triggerConfs = [];
    /** @private */
    this.toggleable = toggleable || false;

     * Specifies when the rule should occur. Will create a standard rule.
     * @returns {triggers.TriggerBuilder} rule builder
  when () {
    return new triggers.TriggerBuilder(this);

  /** @private */
  addTrigger (triggerConf) {
    if (!triggerConf._complete()) {
      throw Error('Trigger is not complete!');
    return this;

  /** @private */
  setCondition (condition) {
    if (typeof condition === 'function') {
      condition = new conditions.FunctionConditionConf(condition);

    /** @private */
    this.condition = condition;
    return this;

  /** @private */
  setOperation (operation, optionalRuleGroup) {
    if (typeof operation === 'function') {
      const operationFunction = operation;
      operation = {
        _complete: () => true,
        _run: x => operationFunction(x),
        describe: () => 'custom function'
    } else {
      // first check complete
      if (!operation._complete()) {
        throw Error('Operation is not complete!');

    /** @private */
    this.operation = operation;
    /** @private */
    this.optionalRuleGroup = optionalRuleGroup;

    const generatedTriggers = this._triggerConfs.flatMap(x => x._toOHTriggers());

    const ruleClass = this.toggleable ? rules.SwitchableJSRule : rules.JSRule;

    let fnToExecute = operation._run.bind(operation); // bind the function to it's instance

    // chain (of responsibility for) the execute hooks
    for (const triggerConf of this._triggerConfs) {
      const next = fnToExecute;
      if (typeof triggerConf._executeHook === 'function') {
        const maybeHook = triggerConf._executeHook();
        if (maybeHook) {
          const hook = maybeHook.bind(triggerConf); // bind the function to it's instance
          fnToExecute = function (args) {
            return hook(next, args);

    if (typeof this.condition !== 'undefined') { // if conditional, check it first
      const fnWithoutCheck = fnToExecute;
      fnToExecute = (x) => this.condition.check(x) && fnWithoutCheck(x);

    return ruleClass({
      name: || items.safeItemName(this.describe(true)),
      description: this.description || this.describe(true),
      triggers: generatedTriggers,
      ruleGroup: optionalRuleGroup,
      execute: function (data) {
      tags: this.tags || [],

  describe (compact) {
    return (compact ? '' : 'When ') +
   => t.describe(compact)).join(' or ') +
            (compact ? '→' : ' then ') +
            this.operation.describe(compact) +
            ((!compact && this.optionalRuleGroup) ? ` (in group ${this.optionalRuleGroup})` : '');

module.exports = {
     * Create a new {@link RuleBuilder} chain for easily creating rules.
     * @example <caption>Basic rule</caption>
     * rules.when().item("F1_Light").changed().then().send("changed").toItem("F2_Light").build("My Rule", "My First Rule");
     * @example <caption>Rule with function</caption>
     * rules.when().item("F1_light").changed().to("100").then(event => {
     *   console.log(event)
     *  }).build("Test Rule", "My Test Rule");
     * @memberof rules
     * @param {boolean} [withToggle=false] rule can be toggled on or off (optional)
     * @returns {triggers.TriggerBuilder} rule builder
  when: (withToggle) => new RuleBuilder(withToggle).when()