Module: OpenHAB::Core::Items::Persistence

Included in:
Defined in:


Items extensions to support openHAB's Persistence feature.


The following examples are based on these items

Number        UV_Index
Number:Power  Power_Usage "Power Usage [%.2f W]"

Getting persistence data from the system default persistence service

UV_Index.average_since(1.hour.ago)      # returns a DecimalType
Power_Usage.average_since(12.hours.ago) # returns a QuantityType that corresponds to the item's type

Querying a non-default persistence service

UV_Index.average_since(1.hour.ago, :influxdb)
Power_Usage.average_since(12.hours.ago, :rrd4j)

Comparison using Quantity

# Because Power_Usage has a unit, the return value
# from average_since is a QuantityType which can be
# compared against a string with quantity
if Power_Usage.average_since(15.minutes.ago) > 5 | "kW""The power usage exceeded its 15 min average)


max = Power_Usage.maximum_since(LocalTime::MIDNIGHT)"Max power usage today: #{max}, at: #{max.timestamp})

See Also:

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: HistoricState

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#average_between(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the average value of the item's state between two points in time


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

    The average value between start and finish, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 103

#average_since(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the average value of the item's state since the given time


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

    The average value since timestamp, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 96

#changed_between?(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ true, false

Whether the item's state changed between two points in time


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (true, false)

    True if the item's state changed between start and finish, False otherwise.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 177

#changed_since?(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ true, false

Whether the item's state has changed since the given time


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (true, false)

    True if the item's state has changed since the given timestamp, False otherwise.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 171

#count_between(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ Integer

Returns the number of available historic data points between two points in time.


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (Integer)

    The number of values persisted for this item.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 258

#count_since(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ Integer

Returns the number of available historic data points from a point in time until now.


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (Integer)

    The number of values persisted for this item.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 252

#count_state_changes_between(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ Integer Also known as: state_changes_between

Returns the number of changes in historic data points between two points in time.


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (Integer)

    The number of values persisted for this item.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 278

%i[persist last_update].each do |method|
  define_method(method) do |service = nil|
    service ||= persistence_service
    Actions::PersistenceExtensions.public_send(method, self, service&.to_s)

#count_state_changes_since(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ Integer Also known as: state_changes_since

Returns the number of changes in historic data points from a point in time until now.


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (Integer)

    The number of values persisted for this item.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 265

#delta_between(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the difference value of the item's state between two points in time


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

    The difference value between start and finish, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 118

#delta_since(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the difference value of the item's state since the given time


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

    The difference value since timestamp, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 111

#deviation_between(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the standard deviation of the item's state between two points in time


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

    The standard deviation between start and finish, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 133

#deviation_since(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the standard deviation of the item's state since the given time


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

    The standard deviation since timestamp, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 126

#evolution_rate(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ... #evolution_rate(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the evolution rate of the item's state


  • #evolution_rate(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

    Returns the evolution rate of the item's state since the given time


    • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

      The point in time from which to search

    • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

      An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


    • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

      The evolution rate since timestamp, or nil if no previous state could be found.

  • #evolution_rate(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

    Returns the evolution rate of the item's state between two points in time


    • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

      The point in time from which to search

    • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

      The point in time to which to search

    • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

      An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


    • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

      The evolution rate between start and finish, or nil if no previous state could be found.


  • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

    The evolution rate since timestamp, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 184

#historic_state(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ HistoricState?

Returns the the item's state at the given time


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time at which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (HistoricState, nil)

    The item's state at timestamp, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 202

#last_update(service = nil) ⇒ ZonedDateTime?

Returns the time the item was last updated.


  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 91

#maximum_between(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ HistoricState?

Returns the maximum value of the item's state between two points in time


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (HistoricState, nil)

    The maximum value between start and finish, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 216

#maximum_since(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ HistoricState?

Returns the maximum value of the item's state since the given time


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (HistoricState, nil)

    The maximum value since timestamp, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 209

#minimum_between(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ HistoricState?

Returns the minimum value of the item's state between two points in time


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (HistoricState, nil)

    The minimum value between start and finish, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 231

#minimum_since(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ HistoricState?

Returns the minimum value of the item's state since the given time


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (HistoricState, nil)

    The minimum value since timestamp, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 224

#persist(service = nil) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Persists the state of the item


  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 86

#previous_state(service = nil, skip_equal: false) ⇒ HistoricState?

Return the previous state of the item


  • skip_equal (true, false) (defaults to: false)

    if true, skips equal state values and searches the first state not equal the current state

  • service (String) (defaults to: nil)

    the name of the PersistenceService to use


  • (HistoricState, nil)

    the previous state or nil if no previous state could be found, or if the default persistence service is not configured or does not refer to a valid service

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 296

def previous_state(service = nil, skip_equal: false)
  service ||= persistence_service
  result = Actions::PersistenceExtensions.previous_state(self, skip_equal, service&.to_s), result) if result

#sum_between(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the sum of the item's state between two points in time


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

    The sum between start and finish, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 148

#sum_since(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the sum of the item's state since the given time


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 141

#updated_between?(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ true, false

Whether the item's state was updated between two points in time


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (true, false)

    True if the item's state was updated between start and finish, False otherwise.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 245

#updated_since?(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ true, false

Whether the item's state has been updated since the given time


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (true, false)

    True if the item's state has been updated since the given timestamp, False otherwise.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 239

#variance_between(start, finish, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the variance of the item's state between two points in time


  • start (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • finish (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time to which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


  • (DecimalType, QuantityType, nil)

    The variance between start and finish, or nil if no previous state could be found.

# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 163

#variance_since(timestamp, service = nil) ⇒ DecimalType, ...

Returns the variance of the item's state since the given time


  • timestamp (#to_zoned_date_time)

    The point in time from which to search

  • service (Symbol, String) (defaults to: nil)

    An optional persistence id instead of the default persistence service.


# File 'lib/openhab/core/items/persistence.rb', line 156