Class: OpenHAB::DSL::Rules::BuilderDSL
- Inherits:
- Object
- OpenHAB::DSL::Rules::BuilderDSL
- Includes:
- Core::EntityLookup, OpenHAB::DSL
- Defined in:
- lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb
Rule configuration for openHAB Rules engine
Constant Summary
Constants included from OpenHAB::DSL
Execution Blocks collapse
#delay(duration) ⇒ void
Add a wait between or after run blocks.
#otherwise {|event| ... } ⇒ Object
Add a block that will be passed event data, to be run if guards are not satisfied.
#run {|event| ... } ⇒ void
Add a block that will be passed event data.
#triggered {|item| ... } ⇒ void
Add a block that will be passed the triggering item.
Configuration collapse
#dependencies(trigger_types = %i[changed updated]) ⇒ Array<Item, GroupItem::Members>
Returns all Items (or GroupItem::Members) referenced by the specified trigger types in this rule.
#description(value) ⇒ void
Set the rule's description.
#enabled(value) ⇒ void
Enable or disable the rule from executing.
#name(value) ⇒ void
Set the rule's name.
#tags(tags) ⇒ void
Set the rule's tags.
#uid(id) ⇒ void
Set the rule's UID.
Guards collapse
Guards exist to only permit rules to run if certain conditions are
satisfied. Think of these as declarative if
statements that keep
the run block free of conditional logic, although you can of course
still use conditional logic in run blocks if you prefer.
#Guard Combination
Multiple guards can be used on the same rule. All must be satisfied for a rule to execute.
#between(range) ⇒ void
Only execute rule if the current time is between the supplied time ranges.
#debounce_for(debounce_time) ⇒ void
Waits until triggers have stopped firing for a period of time before executing the rule.
#not_if {|event| ... } ⇒ void
Prevents execution of rules when the block's result is true and allows it when it's true.
#only_every(interval) ⇒ void
Executes the rule then ignores subsequent triggers for a given duration.
#only_if {|event| ... } ⇒ void
Allows rule execution when the block's result is true and prevents it when it's false.
#throttle_for(duration) ⇒ void
Rate-limits rule executions by delaying triggers and executing the last trigger within the given duration.
Triggers collapse
The trigger attachment feature is not available for UI rules.
Triggers specify what will cause the execution blocks to run. Multiple triggers can be defined within the same rule.
#Trigger Attachments
All triggers support event attachments that enable the association of an object to a trigger. This enables one to use the same rule and take different actions if the trigger is different. The attached object is passed to the execution block through the OpenHAB::Core::Events::AbstractEvent#attachment accessor.
#at(item) ⇒ void
Creates a trigger based on the time stored in a DateTimeItem.
#changed(*items, to: nil, from: nil, for: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a trigger when an item, member of a group, or a thing changed states.
#channel(*channels, thing: nil, triggered: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a channel trigger.
#channel_linked(attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a channel linked trigger.
#channel_unlinked(attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a channel unlinked trigger.
#cron(expression = nil, attach: nil, **fields) ⇒ void
Create a cron trigger.
#event(topic, source: nil, types: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a trigger on events coming through the event bus.
#every(value, at: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
Create a rule that executes at the specified interval.
#item_added(attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates an item added trigger.
#item_removed(attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates an item removed trigger.
#item_updated(attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates an item updated trigger.
#on_load(delay: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a trigger that executes when the script is loaded.
#on_start(at_level: nil, at_levels: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a trigger that executes when openHAB reaches a certain start level.
#received_command(*items, command: nil, commands: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a trigger for when an item or group receives a command.
#thing_added(attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a thing added trigger.
#thing_removed(attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a thing removed trigger.
#thing_updated(attach: nil) ⇒ void
Creates a thing updated trigger.
#trigger(type, attach: nil, **configuration) ⇒ void
Create a generic trigger given the trigger type uid and a configuration hash.
#updated(*items, to: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
Create a trigger when item, group or thing is updated.
#watch(path, glob: "*", for: %i[created deleted modified], attach: nil) ⇒ void
Create a trigger to watch a path.
Instance Method Summary collapse
Methods included from OpenHAB::DSL
after, between, debounce_for, ensure_states, holiday_file, holiday_file!, items, only_every, persistence, persistence!, profile, provider, provider!, rule, rules, script, shared_cache, store_states, things, throttle_for, timers, transform, unit, unit!
Methods included from Core::ScriptHandling
script_loaded, script_unloaded
Methods included from Core::Actions
Methods included from Core::EntityLookup
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class OpenHAB::Core::EntityLookup
Instance Method Details
#at(item) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a trigger based on the time stored in a DateTimeItem
The trigger will dynamically update any time the state of the item changes. If the item is NULL or UNDEF, the trigger will not run.
1550 1551 1552 1553 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1550 def at(item) item = if item.is_a?(Item) trigger("timer.DateTimeTrigger", itemName: item.to_s) end |
#between(range) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Only execute rule if the current time is between the supplied time ranges.
If the range is of strings, it will be parsed to an appropriate time class.
489 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 489 prop :between |
#changed(*items, to: nil, from: nil, for: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a trigger when an item, member of a group, or a thing changed states.
When the changed element is a Thing, the from
and to
values will accept symbols and strings, where the symbol'
matches the
supported status.
The event
passed to run blocks will be an
Core::Events::ItemStateChangedEvent or a
Core::Events::ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent depending on if the
triggering element was an item or a thing.
997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 997 def changed(*items, to: nil, from: nil, for: nil, attach: nil) changed = @rule_triggers) # for is a reserved word in ruby, so use local_variable_get :for duration = binding.local_variable_get(:for) @ruby_triggers << [:changed, items, { to: to, from: from, duration: duration }] from = [nil] if from.nil? to = [nil] if to.nil? items.each do |item| case item when Core::Things::Thing, Core::Things::ThingUID, Core::Items::Item, Core::Items::GroupItem::Members nil else raise ArgumentError, "items must be an Item, GroupItem::Members, Thing, or ThingUID" end logger.trace("Creating changed trigger for entity(#{item}), to(#{to.inspect}), from(#{from.inspect})") Array.wrap(from).each do |from_state| Array.wrap(to).each do |to_state| changed.trigger(item: item, from: from_state, to: to_state, duration: duration, attach: attach) end end end end |
#channel(*channels, thing: nil, triggered: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a channel trigger
The channel trigger executes rule when a specific channel is triggered. The syntax
supports one or more channels with one or more triggers. thing
is an optional
parameter that makes it easier to set triggers on multiple channels on the same thing.
860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 860 def channel(*channels, thing: nil, triggered: nil, attach: nil) channel_trigger = @rule_triggers) flattened_channels = Channel.channels(channels: channels, thing: thing) triggers = [triggered].flatten @ruby_triggers << [:channel, flattened_channels, { triggers: triggers }] flattened_channels.each do |channel| triggers.each do |trigger| channel_trigger.trigger(channel: channel, trigger: trigger, attach: attach) end end end |
#channel_linked(attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a channel linked trigger
885 886 887 888 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 885 def channel_linked(attach: nil) @ruby_triggers << [:channel_linked] event("openhab/links/*/added", types: "ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent", attach: attach) end |
#channel_unlinked(attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a channel unlinked trigger
Note that the item or the thing it's linked to may no longer exist, so if you try to access those objects they'll be nil.
906 907 908 909 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 906 def channel_unlinked(attach: nil) @ruby_triggers << [:channel_linked] event("openhab/links/*/removed", types: "ItemChannelLinkRemovedEvent", attach: attach) end |
#cron(expression, attach: nil) ⇒ void #cron(second: nil, minute: nil, hour: nil, dom: nil, month: nil, dow: nil, year: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Create a cron trigger
1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1069 def cron(expression = nil, attach: nil, **fields) if fields.any? raise ArgumentError, "Cron elements cannot be used with a cron expression" if expression cron_expression = Cron.from_fields(fields) return cron(cron_expression, attach: attach) end raise ArgumentError, "Missing cron expression or elements" unless expression cron = @rule_triggers) cron.trigger(config: { "cronExpression" => expression }, attach: attach) end |
#debounce_for(debounce_time) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Waits until triggers have stopped firing for a period of time before executing the rule.
It ignores triggers that are "bouncing around" (rapidly firing) by ignoring them until they have quiesced (stopped triggering for a while).
#Comparison Table
Guard | Triggers Immediately | Description |
#debounce_for | No | Waits until there is a minimum interval between triggers. |
#throttle_for | No | Rate-limits the executions to a minimum interval, regardless of the interval between triggers. Waits until the end of the period before executing, ignores any leading triggers. |
#only_every | Yes | Rate-limits the executions to a minimum interval. Immediately executes the first trigger, then ignores subsequent triggers for the period. |
#Timing Diagram
The following timing diagram illustrates the difference between #debounce_for, #throttle_for, and #only_every guards:
TIME INDEX ===> 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
Triggers : "X.X...X...X..XX.X.X....X.XXXXXXXXXXX....X....."
debounce_for 5 : "|......................X.|..............X....."
debounce_for 5..5 : "|....X|....X.|....X....|....X|....X|....X....X"
debounce_for 5..6 : "|.....X...|.....X.|....X.|.....X|.....X.|....X"
debounce_for 5..7 : "|......X..|......X|....X.|......X|......X....."
debounce_for 5..8 : "|.......X.|.......X....|.......X|.......X....."
debounce_for 5..20: "|...................X..|................X....."
# throttle_for will fire every 5 intervals after the "first" trigger
throttle_for 5 : "|....X|....X.|....X....|....X|....X|....X....."
only_every 5 : "X.....X......X....X....X....X....X......X....."
Triggers : "X.X...X...X..XX.X.X..X...XXXXXXXXXXX.X..X.X..."
debounce_for 5..44: "|...........................................X."
# Notice above, triggers keep firing with intervals less than 5, so
# debouncer keeps waiting, but puts a stop at 44 (the end of range).
630 631 632 633 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 630 def debounce_for(debounce_time) idle_time = debounce_time.is_a?(Range) ? debounce_time.begin : debounce_time debounce(for: debounce_time, idle_time: idle_time) end |
#delay(duration) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Add a wait between or after run blocks.
The delay property is a non thread-blocking element that is executed after, before, or between run blocks.
298 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 298 prop_array :delay, array_name: :run_queue, wrapper: Delay |
#dependencies(trigger_types = %i[changed updated]) ⇒ Array<Item, GroupItem::Members>
Returns all Items (or GroupItem::Members) referenced by the specified trigger types in this rule.
400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 400 def dependencies(trigger_types = %i[changed updated]) trigger_types = Array.wrap(trigger_types) ruby_triggers.flat_map do |t| next [] unless trigger_types.include?(t.first) t[1].select { |i| i.is_a?(Item) || i.is_a?(GroupItem::Members) } end.uniq end |
#description(value) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Set the rule's description.
354 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 354 prop :description |
#enabled(value) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Enable or disable the rule from executing
384 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 384 prop :enabled |
#event(topic, source: nil, types: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a trigger on events coming through the event bus
1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1515 def event(topic, source: nil, types: nil, attach: nil) types = types.join(",") if types.is_a?(Enumerable) # @deprecated OH3.4 - OH3 config uses eventXXX vs OH4 uses `topic`, `source`, and `types` # See trigger("core.GenericEventTrigger", eventTopic: topic, eventSource: source, eventTypes: types, # @deprecated OH3.4 topic: topic, source: source, types: types, attach: attach) end |
#every(value, at: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Create a rule that executes at the specified interval.
1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1169 def every(value, at: nil, attach: nil) return every(java.time.MonthDay.parse(value), at: at, attach: attach) if value.is_a?(String) @ruby_triggers << [:every, value, { at: at }] if value == :day && at.is_a?(Item) raise ArgumentError, "Attachments are not supported with dynamic datetime triggers" unless attach.nil? return trigger("timer.DateTimeTrigger", itemName:, timeOnly: true) end cron_expression = case value when Symbol then Cron.from_symbol(value, at) when Duration then Cron.from_duration(value, at) when java.time.MonthDay then Cron.from_monthday(value, at) else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown interval" end cron(cron_expression, attach: attach) end |
#inspect ⇒ String
1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1797 def inspect <<"\n", " ") #<OpenHAB::DSL::Rules::Builder: #{uid} triggers=#{triggers.inspect}, run blocks=#{run.inspect}, on_load=#{!@on_load.nil?}, Trigger Conditions=#{trigger_conditions.inspect}, Trigger UIDs=#{}, Attachments=#{attachments.inspect} > TEXT end |
#item_added(attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates an item added trigger
1400 1401 1402 1403 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1400 def item_added(attach: nil) @ruby_triggers << [:item_added] event("openhab/items/*/added", types: "ItemAddedEvent", attach: attach) end |
#item_removed(attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates an item removed trigger
1418 1419 1420 1421 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1418 def item_removed(attach: nil) @ruby_triggers << [:item_removed] event("openhab/items/*/removed", types: "ItemRemovedEvent", attach: attach) end |
#item_updated(attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates an item updated trigger
1437 1438 1439 1440 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1437 def item_updated(attach: nil) @ruby_triggers << [:item_updated] event("openhab/items/*/updated", types: "ItemUpdatedEvent", attach: attach) end |
#name(value) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Set the rule's name.
344 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 344 prop :name |
#not_if {|event| ... } ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Prevents execution of rules when the block's result is true and allows it when it's true.
550 551 552 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 550 prop_array(:not_if) do |item| raise ArgumentError, "Object passed to not_if must be a proc" unless item.is_a?(Proc) end |
#on_load(delay: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a trigger that executes when the script is loaded
Execute the rule whenever the script is first loaded, including on openHAB start up, and on subsequent reloads on file modifications. This is useful to perform initialization routines, especially when combined with other triggers.
1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1215 def on_load(delay: nil, attach: nil) # prevent overwriting @on_load raise ArgumentError, "on_load can only be used once within a rule" if @on_load @on_load = { module: SecureRandom.uuid, delay: delay } attachments[@on_load[:module]] = attach end |
#on_start(at_level: nil, at_levels: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a trigger that executes when openHAB reaches a certain start level
This will only trigger once during openHAB start up. It won't trigger on script reloads.
1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1268 def on_start(at_level: nil, at_levels: nil, attach: nil) levels = Array.wrap(at_level) | Array.wrap(at_levels) levels = [100] if levels.empty?! do |level| next level unless level.is_a?(Symbol) begin klass = org.openhab.core.service.StartLevelService.java_class klass.declared_field("STARTLEVEL_#{level.upcase}").get_int(klass) rescue java.lang.NoSuchFieldException raise ArgumentError, "Invalid symbol for at_level: :#{level}" end end @ruby_triggers << [:on_start, levels] levels.each do |level| logger.warn "Rule engine doesn't start until start level 40" if level < 40 config = { startlevel: level } logger.trace("Creating a SystemStartlevelTrigger with startlevel=#{level}") @rule_triggers) .append_trigger(type: "core.SystemStartlevelTrigger", config: config, attach: attach) end end |
#only_every(interval) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Executes the rule then ignores subsequent triggers for a given duration.
Additional triggers that occur within the given duration after the rule execution will be ignored. This results in executions happening only at the specified interval or more.
Unlike #throttle_for, this guard will execute the rule as soon as a new trigger occurs instead of waiting for the specified duration. This is ideal for triggers such as a door bell where the rule should run as soon as a new trigger is detected but ignore subsequent triggers if they occur too soon after.
729 730 731 732 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 729 def only_every(interval) interval = 1.send(interval) if %i[second minute hour day].include?(interval) debounce(for: interval, leading: true) end |
#only_if {|event| ... } ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Allows rule execution when the block's result is true and prevents it when it's false.
522 523 524 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 522 prop_array(:only_if) do |item| raise ArgumentError, "Object passed to only_if must be a proc" unless item.is_a?(Proc) end |
#otherwise {|event| ... } ⇒ Object
Add a block that will be passed event data, to be run if guards are not satisfied.
The #otherwise property is the automation code that is executed when a rule is triggered and guards are not satisfied. This property accepts a block of code and executes it. The block is automatically passed an event object which can be used to access multiple properties about the triggering event.
322 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 322 prop_array :otherwise, array_name: :run_queue, wrapper: Otherwise |
#received_command(*items, command: nil, commands: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a trigger for when an item or group receives a command.
The command/commands parameters are replicated for DSL fluency.
The event
passed to run blocks will be an
1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1361 def received_command(*items, command: nil, commands: nil, attach: nil) command_trigger = @rule_triggers) # if neither command nor commands is specified, ensure that we create # a trigger that isn't looking for a specific command. commands = [nil] if command.nil? && commands.nil? commands = Array.wrap(command) | Array.wrap(commands) @ruby_triggers << [:received_command, items, { command: commands }] items.each do |item| case item when Core::Items::Item, Core::Items::GroupItem::Members nil else raise ArgumentError, "items must be an Item or GroupItem::Members" end commands.each do |cmd| logger.trace "Creating received command trigger for items #{item.inspect} and commands #{cmd.inspect}" command_trigger.trigger(item: item, command: cmd, attach: attach) end end end |
#run {|event| ... } ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Add a block that will be passed event data.
The run property is the automation code that is executed when a rule is triggered. This property accepts a block of code and executes it. The block is automatically passed an event object which can be used to access multiple properties about the triggering event. The code for the automation can be entirely within the run block and can call methods defined in the Ruby script.
201 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 201 prop_array :run, array_name: :run_queue, wrapper: Run |
#tags(tags) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Set the rule's tags.
369 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 369 prop :tags |
#thing_added(attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a thing added trigger
1455 1456 1457 1458 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1455 def thing_added(attach: nil) @ruby_triggers << [:thing_added] event("openhab/things/*/added", types: "ThingAddedEvent", attach: attach) end |
#thing_removed(attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a thing removed trigger
1473 1474 1475 1476 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1473 def thing_removed(attach: nil) @ruby_triggers << [:thing_removed] event("openhab/things/*/removed", types: "ThingRemovedEvent", attach: attach) end |
#thing_updated(attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Creates a thing updated trigger
1492 1493 1494 1495 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1492 def thing_updated(attach: nil) @ruby_triggers << [:thing_updated] event("openhab/things/*/updated", types: "ThingUpdatedEvent", attach: attach) end |
#throttle_for(duration) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Rate-limits rule executions by delaying triggers and executing the last trigger within the given duration.
When a new trigger occurs, it will hold the execution and start a fixed timer for the given duration. Should more triggers occur during this time, keep holding and once the wait time is over, execute the latest trigger.
#throttle_for will execute rules after it had waited for the given duration, regardless of how frequently the triggers were occuring. In contrast, #debounce_for will wait until there is a minimum interval between two triggers.
#throttle_for is ideal in situations where regular status updates need to be made for frequently changing values. It is also useful when a rule responds to triggers from multiple related items that are updated at around the same time. Instead of executing the rule multiple times, #throttle_for will wait for a pre-set amount of time since the first group of triggers occurred before executing the rule.
681 682 683 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 681 def throttle_for(duration) debounce(for: duration) end |
#trigger(type, attach: nil, **configuration) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Create a generic trigger given the trigger type uid and a configuration hash
This provides the ability to create a trigger type not already covered by the other methods.
1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1591 def trigger(type, attach: nil, **configuration) logger.trace("Creating trigger (#{type}) with configuration(#{configuration})") @rule_triggers) .append_trigger(type: type, config: configuration, attach: attach) end |
#triggered {|item| ... } ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Add a block that will be passed the triggering item.
This property is the same as the #run property except rather than
passing an event object to the automation block the triggered item is
passed. This enables optimizations for simple cases and supports
Ruby's pretzel colon &:
251 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 251 prop_array :triggered, array_name: :run_queue, wrapper: Trigger |
#uid(id) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Set the rule's UID.
334 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 334 prop :uid |
#updated(*items, to: nil, attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Create a trigger when item, group or thing is updated
The event
passed to run blocks will be an
Core::Events::ItemStateEvent or a
Core::Events::ThingStatusInfoEvent depending on if the triggering
element was an item or a thing.
1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1675 def updated(*items, to: nil, attach: nil) updated = @rule_triggers) @ruby_triggers << [:updated, items, { to: to }] do |item| case item when Core::Things::Thing, Core::Things::ThingUID, Core::Items::Item, Core::Items::GroupItem::Members nil else raise ArgumentError, "items must be an Item, GroupItem::Members, Thing, or ThingUID" end logger.trace("Creating updated trigger for item(#{item}) to(#{to})") [to] do |to_state| updated.trigger(item: item, to: to_state, attach: attach) end end.flatten end |
#watch(path, glob: "*", for: %i[created deleted modified], attach: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Create a trigger to watch a path
It provides the ability to create a trigger on file and directory changes.
If a file or a path that does not exist is supplied as the argument
to watch, the parent directory will be watched and the file or
non-existent part of the supplied path will become the glob. For
example, if the path given is /tmp/foo/bar
and /tmp/foo
exists but bar
does not exist inside of of /tmp/foo
then the
directory /tmp/foo
will be watched for any files that match
If the last part of the path contains any glob characters e.g.
, the parent directory will be watched and the last
part of the path will be treated as if it was passed as the glob
argument. In other words, watch '/tmp/foo/*bar'
is equivalent to
watch '/tmp/foo', glob: '*bar'
#Watching inside subdirectories
Subdirectories aren't watched unless:
- One of the glob patterns include the recursive match pattern
, or - The glob patterns include subdirectories, see examples below.
The event
passed to run blocks will be a Events::WatchEvent.
1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/rules/builder.rb', line 1782 def watch(path, glob: "*", for: %i[created deleted modified], attach: nil) types = [binding.local_variable_get(:for)].flatten WatchHandler::WatchTriggerHandlerFactory.instance # ensure it's registered trigger(WatchHandler::WATCH_TRIGGER_MODULE_ID, path: path.to_s, types:, glob: glob.to_s, attach: attach) end |