#Ruby Basics

The openHAB JRuby scripting automation is based on the JRuby implementation of the Ruby language. This page offers a quick overview of Ruby to help you get started writing rules. However, it is by no means comprehensive. A wealth of information can be found on Ruby's web site.

#Data Types

In Ruby, everything is an object, even primitive types such as numbers and strings. For example, 1 as a number is an object and has all the methods for the Integer class.

It is useful to get to know the basic data types that we will often encounter:

  • Integer - e.g. 1, -3, etc.
  • Floating Point - e.g. 3.5
  • String - String literals in Ruby can be enclosed with double quotes, or single quotes. Strings enclosed by double quotes can contain variables and expressions that are enclosed with #{}. For example: "Hi my name is #{name_variable}". The String class offers a plethora of useful methods to operate on and manipulate strings.
  • Array - example: [1, 2, 'foo', AnotherObject]
  • Hash - example: { 'key1' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value' }
  • Symbol - example: :iamasymbol
  • Range - example: 1..5


  • In Ruby, variables start with a lower case and by convention use snake_case.
  • Uppercase identifiers are constants, e.g. NAMES
  • Variable whose names start with $ are global variables, e.g. $i_am_global.
  • Variable whose names start with @ are instance variables, e.g. @instance_variable. Instance variables are similar to member variables or fields in other languages.
  • Local variables are just plain names that starts with a lower case, e.g. local_var.


Instance variables are created as soon as they are referenced. They are persisted on whatever self is. In most simple file-based rules, and in UI based rules, self is simply a top level Object named main, and instance variables will be persisted between multiple executions of the same rule:

rule "light turned on" do
  changed Light_Switch, to: ON
  run do
    @turned_on_count ||= 0
    @turned_on_count += 1
    logger.info("The light has been turned on #{@turned_on_count} times")

#Control Expressions

Ruby supports various control expressions such as if/else, ternary operator, case, etc.


if a
  # do something here
elsif b
  # something else
  # something here

# modifier if form
a = b if c == 5

# ternary operator
a = b == 5 ? 'five' : 'other'

# case/when similar to the switch() { case... } in c / java.
rule 'x' do
  received_command DimmerItem1
  run do |event|
    case event.command
    when OFF
    when 0...50
    when 50..100, ON


While Ruby supports the traditional for and while loop, they are rarely used. Ruby objects such as Array, Hash, Set, etc. provide a plethora of methods to achieve the same thing in a more "Ruby" way.


array = [1, 2, 3]
array.each do |elem|
  logger.info("Element: #{elem}")

array.each_with_index do |elem, index|
  logger.info("Element #{index}: #{elem}")

SWITCH_TO_LIGHT_HASH = { Switch1 => Light1, Switch2 => Light2 }

SWITCH_TO_LIGHT_HASH.each do |switch, light|
  logger.info "#{switch.name} => #{light.name}"

rule 'turn light on' do
  changed Switches.members
  triggered do |item|
    SWITCH_TO_LIGHT_HASH[item]&.command item.state

Note: next is similar to continue in C/Java. break in Ruby is the same as in C/Java.


Multi-line blocks in Ruby are enclosed in a do .. end pair and single line blocks are enclosed with braces { .. }. You have encountered blocks in the examples above. Rules are implemented in a block:

rule 'rulename' do

The execution part is also in a block for the run method, nested inside the rule block:

rule 'rulename' do
  changed Item1
  run do 

#Block arguments

Blocks can receive arguments which are passed by its caller. We will often encounter this in run and triggered blocks.

rule 'name' do
  changed Switches.members
  run do |event|
    # do something based on the event argument

#Ruby's Safe Navigation Operator

Ruby has a safe navigation operator &. which is similar to ?. in C#, Groovy, Kotlin, etc.

# Instead of:
if items['My_Item']

# We can write it as:

#Some Gotchas

#Exiting early

To exit early from a block, use next instead of return.

rule 'rule name' do
  changed Item1
  run do 
    next if Item1.off? # exit early

    Item2.on # Turn on Item2 if Item1 turned on
    # Do other things

Note: To exit early from a UI rule, use return.


In Ruby, parentheses are optional when calling a method. However, when calling a method with arguments and a single-line block, the parentheses must be used. Example:

after(5.seconds) {  }

after(5.seconds) do
  # ...

after 5.seconds do
  # parentheses aren't a must before a do..end block

# the following example will cause an error
after 5.seconds { }

#Zero is "truthy" in Ruby

if 0
  logger.info "This will always be executed"
  logger.info "This will never be executed"

#Source Code Formatting

The ruby style guide offers the generally accepted standards for Ruby source code formatting.

When working with file based rules in a source code editor (e.g. VSCode), it is highly recommended to integrate Rubocop (or rubocop-daemon) as the source code formatter and linter for Ruby.

Happy coding!