Class: OpenHAB::DSL::Items::ItemBuilder
- Inherits:
- Object
- OpenHAB::DSL::Items::ItemBuilder
- Includes:
- Core::EntityLookup
- Defined in:
- lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb
The ItemBuilder DSL allows you to customize an Item
Direct Known Subclasses
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#autoupdate ⇒ true, ...
Autoupdate setting.
#channels ⇒ Array<String, Symbol, Core::Things::ChannelUID, Core::Things::Channel, Array>
Channel to link the item to.
#command_options ⇒ Hash, ...
A list of valid commands If a hash, keys are commands, and values are labels.
#dimension ⇒ String?
Unit dimension (for number items only).
#format ⇒ String?
The formatting pattern for the item's state.
#groups ⇒ Array<String, GroupItem>
Groups to which this item should be added.
#icon ⇒ Symbol, ...
The icon to be associated with the item.
#label ⇒ String?
Item label.
- #metadata ⇒ Core::Items::Metadata::NamespaceHash readonly
#name ⇒ String
Item name.
#range ⇒ Range?
The valid range for a number item.
#read_only ⇒ true, ...
(also: #read_only?)
If the item is read-only, and does not accept commands.
#state ⇒ Core::Types::State
Initial state.
#state_options ⇒ Hash, ...
A list of valid states If a hash, keys are commands, and values are labels.
#step ⇒ Number?
The step size for a number item.
#tags ⇒ Array<String>
Tags to apply to this item.
#thing ⇒ String, ...
Thing from which to resolve relative channel ids.
#type ⇒ Symbol
The type of this item.
#unit ⇒ String?
Unit (for number items only).
Instance Method Summary collapse
#alexa(value, config = nil) ⇒ void
Shortcut for adding Alexa metadata.
#channel(*channels) ⇒ Array<String, Symbol, Core::Things::ChannelUID, Core::Things::Channel, Array>
(also: #channels)
Add a channel link to this item.
#expire(duration, command: nil, state: nil, ignore_state_updates: nil, ignore_commands: nil) ⇒ void
Configure item expiration.
#ga(value, config = nil) ⇒ void
Shortcut for adding Google Assistant metadata.
#group(*groups) ⇒ Array<String, GroupItemBulder, GroupItem>
(also: #groups)
Add this item to a group.
#homekit(value, config = nil) ⇒ void
Shortcut for adding Homekit metadata.
#initialize(type, name = nil, label = nil, provider:, dimension: nil, unit: nil, format: nil, range: nil, step: nil, read_only: nil, command_options: nil, state_options: nil, icon: nil, group: nil, groups: nil, tag: nil, tags: nil, autoupdate: nil, thing: nil, channel: nil, channels: nil, expire: nil, alexa: nil, ga: nil, homekit: nil, metadata: nil, state: nil) ⇒ ItemBuilder
A new instance of ItemBuilder.
- #inspect ⇒ String
#tag(*tags) ⇒ Array<String>
(also: #tags)
Tag item.
#to_s ⇒ String
The item's label if one is defined, otherwise its name.
Methods included from Core::EntityLookup
#items, #method_missing, #things
Constructor Details
#initialize(type, name = nil, label = nil, provider:, dimension: nil, unit: nil, format: nil, range: nil, step: nil, read_only: nil, command_options: nil, state_options: nil, icon: nil, group: nil, groups: nil, tag: nil, tags: nil, autoupdate: nil, thing: nil, channel: nil, channels: nil, expire: nil, alexa: nil, ga: nil, homekit: nil, metadata: nil, state: nil) ⇒ ItemBuilder
Returns a new instance of ItemBuilder.
347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 347 def initialize(type, name = nil, label = nil, provider:, dimension: nil, unit: nil, format: nil, range: nil, step: nil, read_only: nil, command_options: nil, state_options: nil, icon: nil, group: nil, groups: nil, tag: nil, tags: nil, autoupdate: nil, thing: nil, channel: nil, channels: nil, expire: nil, alexa: nil, ga: nil, # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodParameterName homekit: nil, metadata: nil, state: nil) raise ArgumentError, "`name` cannot be nil" if name.nil? if dimension raise ArgumentError, "`dimension` can only be specified with NumberItem" unless type == :number begin org.openhab.core.types.util.UnitUtils.parse_dimension(dimension.to_s) rescue java.lang.IllegalArgumentException raise ArgumentError, "Invalid dimension '#{dimension}'" end end name = if name.respond_to?(:name) if provider.is_a?(GroupItemBuilder) name = "#{provider.name_base}#{name}" label = "#{provider.label_base}#{label}".strip if label end @provider = provider @type = type @name = name.to_s @label = label @dimension = dimension @format = format @range = range @step = step @read_only = read_only @command_options = command_options @state_options = state_options self.unit = unit @icon = icon @groups = [] @tags = [] @metadata = @metadata.merge!(metadata) if metadata @autoupdate = autoupdate @channels = [] @thing = thing @expire = nil if expire expire = Array(expire) expire_config = expire.pop if expire.last.is_a?(Hash) expire_config ||= {} self.expire(*expire, **expire_config) end self.alexa(alexa) if alexa if ga self.homekit(homekit) if homekit self.state = state*group) self.groups(*groups) self.tag(*tag) self.tags(*tags)*channel) self.channels(*channels) end |
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class OpenHAB::Core::EntityLookup
Instance Attribute Details
#autoupdate ⇒ true, ...
Autoupdate setting
253 254 255 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 253 def autoupdate @autoupdate end |
#channels=(value) ⇒ Array<String, Symbol, Core::Things::ChannelUID, Core::Things::Channel, Array>
Returns Channel to link the item to.
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 268
#command_options ⇒ Hash, ...
A list of valid commands If a hash, keys are commands, and values are labels
243 244 245 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 243 def command_options @command_options end |
#dimension ⇒ String?
Unit dimension (for number items only)
If #unit is provided, and #dimension is not, it will be inferred.
216 217 218 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 216 def dimension @dimension end |
#format ⇒ String?
229 230 231 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 229 def format @format end |
#groups=(value) ⇒ Array<String, GroupItem>
Returns Groups to which this item should be added.
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 272
#icon ⇒ Symbol, ...
The icon to be associated with the item
250 251 252 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 250 def icon @icon end |
#label ⇒ String?
Item label
210 211 212 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 210 def label @label end |
#metadata ⇒ Core::Items::Metadata::NamespaceHash (readonly)
258 259 260 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 258 def metadata @metadata end |
#name ⇒ String
Item name
207 208 209 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 207 def name @name end |
#range ⇒ Range?
The valid range for a number item
232 233 234 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 232 def range @range end |
#read_only ⇒ true, ... Also known as: read_only?
If the item is read-only, and does not accept commands
238 239 240 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 238 def read_only @read_only end |
#state ⇒ Core::Types::State
Initial state
If #state is set to a QuantityType, and #unit is not set, it will be inferred.
264 265 266 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 264 def state @state end |
#state_options ⇒ Hash, ...
A list of valid states If a hash, keys are commands, and values are labels
247 248 249 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 247 def state_options @state_options end |
#step ⇒ Number?
The step size for a number item
235 236 237 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 235 def step @step end |
#tags=(value) ⇒ Array<String>
Returns Tags to apply to this item.
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 275
#thing ⇒ String, ...
Returns Thing from which to resolve relative channel ids.
256 257 258 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 256 def thing @thing end |
#type ⇒ Symbol (readonly)
The type of this item
204 205 206 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 204 def type @type end |
#unit ⇒ String?
Unit (for number items only)
Due to #format inference, setting the unit is cross-compatible with openHAB 3.4 and 4.0.
223 224 225 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 223 def unit @unit end |
Instance Method Details
#alexa(value, config = nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Shortcut for adding Alexa metadata
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 494
#channel(channel, config = {}) ⇒ Array<String, Symbol, Core::Things::ChannelUID, Core::Things::Channel, Array> #channels ⇒ Array<String, Symbol, Core::Things::ChannelUID, Core::Things::Channel, Array> #channels(*channels) ⇒ Array<String, Symbol, Core::Things::ChannelUID, Core::Things::Channel, Array> Also known as: channels
Add a channel link to this item.
586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 586 def channel(*channels) return @channels if channels.empty? channels = [channels] if channels.length == 2 && channels[1].is_a?(Hash) channels.each do |channel| orig_channel = channel channel = channel.first if channel.is_a?(Array) next if channel.is_a?(String) || channel.is_a?(Symbol) || channel.is_a?(Core::Things::ChannelUID) || channel.is_a?(Core::Things::Channel) raise ArgumentError, "channel #{orig_channel.inspect} must be a `String`, `Symbol`, `ChannelUID`, or " \ "`Channel`, or a two element array with the first element those types, and the " \ "second element a Hash" end @channels.concat(channels) end |
#expire(duration, command: nil, state: nil, ignore_state_updates: nil, ignore_commands: nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Configure item expiration
638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 638 def expire(*args, command: nil, state: nil, ignore_state_updates: nil, ignore_commands: nil) unless (0..2).cover?(args.length) raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (given #{args.length}, expected 0..2)" end return @expire if args.empty? state = args.last if args.length == 2 raise ArgumentError, "cannot provide both command and state" if command && state duration = args.first return @expire = nil if duration.nil? duration = duration.to_s[2..].downcase if duration.is_a?(Duration) state = "'#{state}'" if state.respond_to?(:to_str) && type == :string value = duration value += ",state=#{state}" if state value += ",command=#{command}" if command config = { ignoreStateUpdates: ignore_state_updates, ignoreCommands: ignore_commands } config.compact! @expire = [value, config] end |
#ga(value, config = nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Shortcut for adding Google Assistant metadata
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 505
#group(group) ⇒ Array<String, GroupItemBulder, GroupItem> #groups ⇒ Array<String, GroupItemBulder, GroupItem> #groups(*groups) ⇒ Array<String, GroupItemBulder, GroupItem> Also known as: groups
Add this item to a group
481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 481 def group(*groups) return @groups if groups.empty? unless groups.all? do |group| group.is_a?(String) || group.is_a?(Core::Items::GroupItem) || group.is_a?(GroupItemBuilder) end raise ArgumentError, "`group` must be a `GroupItem`, `GroupItemBuilder`, or a `String`" end @groups.concat(groups) end |
#homekit(value, config = nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Shortcut for adding Homekit metadata
527 528 529 530 531 532 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 527 %i[alexa ga homekit].each do |shortcut| define_method(shortcut) do |value = nil, config = nil| value, config = value if value.is_a?(Array) metadata[shortcut] = [value, config] end end |
#inspect ⇒ String
745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 745 def inspect s = "#<OpenHAB::Core::Items::#{inspect_type}ItemBuilder#{type_details} #{name} #{label.inspect}" s += " category=#{icon.inspect}" if icon s += " tags=#{tags.inspect}" unless tags.empty? s += " groups=#{ { |g| g.respond_to?(:name) ? : g }.inspect}" unless groups.empty? s += " metadata=#{metadata.to_h.inspect}" unless metadata.empty? "#{s}>" end |
#tag(tag) ⇒ Array<String> #tags ⇒ Array<String> #tags(*tags) ⇒ Array<String> Also known as:
Tag item
458 459 460 461 462 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 458 def tag(*tags) return @tags if tags.empty? @tags.concat(self.class.normalize_tags(*tags)) end |
#to_s ⇒ String
The item's label if one is defined, otherwise its name.
438 439 440 |
# File 'lib/openhab/dsl/items/builder.rb', line 438 def to_s label || name end |