
Type Definitions

ConditionCallback() → {boolean}


true if the condition is met, otherwise false



  • When a rule is triggered, the script is provided the event instance that triggered it. The specific data depends on the event type. The EventObject provides several information about that trigger.

    Note: Group****Triggers use the equivalent Item****Trigger as trigger for each member. Time triggers do not provide any event instance, therefore no property is populated.

Name Type Description
oldState string

only for triggers.ItemStateChangeTrigger & triggers.GroupStateChangeTrigger: Previous state of Item or Group that triggered event

newState string

only for triggers.ItemStateChangeTrigger & triggers.GroupStateChangeTrigger: New state of Item or Group that triggered event

receivedState string

only for triggers.ItemStateUpdateTrigger & triggers.GroupStateUpdateTrigger: State that triggered event

receivedCommand string

only for triggers.ItemCommandTrigger, triggers.GroupCommandTrigger, triggers.PWMTrigger & triggers.PIDTrigger : Command that triggered event

itemName string

for all Item-related triggers: name of Item that triggered event

groupName string

for all Group****Triggers: name of the group whose member triggered event

receivedEvent string

only for triggers.ChannelEventTrigger: Channel event that triggered event

channelUID string

only for triggers.ChannelEventTrigger: UID of channel that triggered event

oldStatus string

only for triggers.ThingStatusChangeTrigger: Previous state of Thing that triggered event

newStatus string

only for triggers.ThingStatusChangeTrigger: New state of Thing that triggered event

status string

only for triggers.ThingStatusUpdateTrigger: State of Thing that triggered event

thingUID string

for all Thing-related triggers: UID of Thing that triggered event

cronExpression string

for triggers.GenericCronTrigger: cron expression of the trigger

time string

for triggers.TimeOfDayTrigger: time of day value of the trigger

timeOnly boolean

for triggers.DateTimeTrigger: whether the trigger only considers the time part of the DateTime Item

offset number

for triggers.DateTimeTrigger: offset in seconds added to the time of the DateTime Item

eventType string

for all triggers except triggers.PWMTrigger, triggers.PIDTrigger: Type of event that triggered event (change, command, time, triggered, update, time)

triggerType string

for all triggers except triggers.PWMTrigger, triggers.PIDTrigger: Type of trigger that triggered event

eventClass string

for all triggers: Java class name of the triggering event

module string

(user-defined or auto-generated) name of trigger

raw *

original contents of the event including data passed from a calling rule

payload *

if provided by event: payload of event in Java data types

When a rule is triggered, the script is provided the event instance that triggered it. The specific data depends on the event type. The EventObject provides several information about that trigger.

Note: Group****Triggers use the equivalent Item****Trigger as trigger for each member. Time triggers do not provide any event instance, therefore no property is populated.

  • object


  • configuration describing an Item

Name Type Attributes Description
type string

the type of the Item

name string

Item name for the Item to create

label string <optional>

the label for the Item

category string <optional>

the category (icon) for the Item

groups Array:.<string:> <optional>

an array of groups the Item is a member of

tags Array:.<string:> <optional>

an array of tags for the Item

channels string | Object <optional>

for single channel link a string or for multiple an object { channeluid: configuration }; configuration is an object

metadata * <optional>

either object { namespace: value } or { namespace: ItemMetadata }

giBaseType string <optional>

the group Item base type for the Item

groupFunction HostGroupFunction <optional>

the group function used by the Item

configuration describing an Item

  • object


Name Type Description
event EventObject


Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string

name of the rule (used in UI)

description string <optional>

description of the rule (used in UI)

triggers HostTrigger | Array:.<HostTrigger:> <optional>

which will fire the rule

execute RuleCallback

callback to run when the rule fires

id string <optional>

UID of the rule, if not provided, one is generated

tags Array:.<string:> <optional>

tags for the rule (used in UI)

ruleGroup string <optional>

name of rule group to use

overwrite boolean <optional>

whether to overwrite an existing rule with the same UID

switchItemName string <optional>

(optional and only for SwitchableJSRule) name of the switch Item, which will get created automatically if it is not existent

configuration for rules.JSRule

  • object